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​The downside to cloud hosting though is cost as it’s not cheap. Some packages might be comparable to dedicated server hosting but when you have the much cheaper option of shared or VPS these alternative tend to win out.

​By contrast shared /vps and dedicated hosting plans are all single server based. If you buy a dedicated server plan from a hosting provided you are essentially taking control of the whole server yourself so there is only going to be your website or websites on it. Shared and VPS hosting basically means that you will be sharing the server with other people.

Shared hosting is the most common type of hosting because it’s very cheap and is suitable for millions of website owners because the websites they own and run are fairly small and have limited traffic.

One step up from shared hosting is the VPS plan which stands for virtual private server. In a sense it’s a little like cloud hosting in that the server is segmented off and each section is run independently but all this takes place within the one server.

Virtual private server accounts are definitely useful for website owners who want a lot of the functionality of a dedicated server but without the excessive cost. Virtual private servers also have relatively few account holders sharing compared with the hundreds of accounts on a shared hosting server. So with that said VPS is a great option for those that have websites that constantly get a few thousand visits per day.

Once you start getting up to 50,000 visits per day and more then dedicated hosting is obviously the next step up from VPS. In relation to choosing a dedicated server over cloud hosting, a lot depends on the type of business, website and traffic being used.

If a lot of promotion is through ppv (pay per view) traffic sources websites can get an awful lot of instant traffic, even up to millions of views per day so again cloud hosting is the best option. For most websites using standard SEO practices this isn’t necessary.

So when it comes to website hosting you can go overkill and end up renting a hosting plan which offers far more than you need. On the other hand you could buy a hosting plan only realizing later on that it just doesn’t offer enough in terms of bandwidth, databases, software applications and other functions.

It’s all about getting a happy medium from the outset so the best advice when it comes to choosing a hosting plan is to start off small and then upgrade as you go. Think about the amount of traffic and space you need currently and what your potential outcome goals are and then work to that. Just remember you can always chop and change at any time.​ For more information visit

​The Differences Between Cloud Hosting And VPS Hosting​

​When you’re looking for hosting for your websites you may be familiar with the common plans such as shared hosting but do you know what VPS and cloud hosting is? More the point, do you know the differences between the two?


To explain it simply, cloud hosting uses several servers which work together to form the overall hub where as a shared/ vps and even dedicated server hosting only uses one server. The advantage of using cloud hosting is the fact that the workload is shared out making it a much more robust hosting platform. With cloud hosting you can throw one traffic surge after another and your website will still remain online and uninterrupted throughout.

In contrast hosting on a single server, although it can handle large levels of consistent traffic, when you suddenly get huge traffic increases in the form of traffic spikes a lot of hosting companies get a little excited and end up closing the server down due to the strain it’s put under. So if for example, you have a product launch day, you should always opt for cloud hosting to handle the massive increases of traffic over a short period of time.

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